Chikushin Shakuhachi

Welcome Chiku-Shin Shakuhachi USA

Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flutes For Sale

Chiku-Shin Shakuhachi are made using traditional tools, materials, and measuring formulas. The bamboo used is high quality madake harvested in Japan. Both Jiari and Ji nashi Shakuhachi Generally tuned to a pitch between 440 and 442.They have standard angle and depth of the Utaguchi as well as standard whole measurements and inner bore dimensions. All Chiku-Shin Shakuhachi are made with quality and heart.


竹心尺八は、日本の伝統的な道具、材料、技法を使用し、アメリカカリフォルニア州サンタスザナで 尺八を作っています。材料の竹は日本から輸入した真竹を使用しています。地ありと地なし両方の尺八は、440から442の間で調律されています。標準寸法(角度、歌口の部分の深さ、内径のサイズ、など)にしたがって作られています。竹心尺八は英語、日本語療法の問い合わせに対応しています。気軽に連絡ください。

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Shakuhachi Events

2019 Los Angeles Kakizakai Workshop

2019 Kakizaki WorkshopThe 2019 Kakizakai workshop hosted by ChikuShin / Shawn Schroeder. The weekend of June 28 through June 30 2019. Kakizakai gave private individual lessons, Sunday, June 30, followed by a Group class and short concert. After the concert people enjoyed barbecue and had lots of fun talking shakuhachi. There was approximately 20 people that attended the barbecue , which lasted a few hours after the concert. This was the first time it was hosted by Shawn of ChikuShin shakuhachi . Kakizakai has been coming to Los Angeles after the rocky camp In Boulder Colorado Since 2008, this June 2019 would be his 11th year. It was a great honor to host his teaching weekend, looking forward to more shakuhachi workshops by Kakizakai , Kaoru Kakizakai is one of the leading professional and international teachers of the shakuhachi, he’s studied under Katsuya Yokoyama And international Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan Teaching school .